We offer the most complete nutrition and health portfolio in the market, supporting our customers in taking better care throughout the culture lifecycle.
- We support aqua farmer with new concept, best practices and technologies that improve their bottom line.
- Pond: Best pond depend upon quantity, Depth & quality of water.
- Quantity of water depend upon rate of evaporation of water. Evaporation of water in temperate climate at the rate of 1litter per hectare per second to 2.5 cm per day.
- Depth of 1 to 1.5 meter is generally suitable .However too deep water poses problem of drainage as well as differential temp. in different depth level which is harmful to production.
- Water Quality of pond water is judged by its Biogenic capacity. Its capacity to produce the natural food to feed and sustain fish. Water is said to be poor, average or rich depending upon its biogenic capacity.