Complete Pond Management PC-9

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Major Advantages

  • Degrades a variety of organic waste
  • Improves the pond environment, pond water and soil quality
  • Maintain optimum pH level
  • Improve sediment conditions
  • Elimination of toxic gases like ammonia, nitrites & hydrogen sulphate
  • Encourage healthy phytoplankton bloom & stabilizes zooplankton populations in the pond

Dosage & application : Fish/Shrimp/Prawn :

Application Period Dosage
One application 7 days before stocking 500 g/ha
One application on the day of stocking 500 g/ha
One application in every 7 to 10 days till end of culture 500 g/ha
Fish : Apply 500 g/ha pond every 10 days.

PC-9 is specially designed, synergistic blend of various researched strains of Bacillus sp. provided along with enzymes to increase the efficacy of treatment :

Each gram PC-9 contains
Beneficial microorganism name and strength
bacillus subtills 0.5 x 109 cfu
bacillus licheniformis 0.5 x 109 cfu
bacillus megaterium bacillus 0.5 x 109 cfu
amyloliquefaciens 0.5 x 109 cfu
Enzymes name and strength
protease 9000 iu
amylase 5000 iu
cellulase 350 iu
xylanase 150 iu
beta-glucanase 200 iu
Proprietary Blend of 4 Probiotics & 5 Enzymes