Best Quality Feed Probiotic Grow MARINE

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  • Faster growth rate & weight gain
  • Improves gut health by implanting beneficial bacteria in the gut
  • Improves efficiency of the digestive system
  • Higher feed consumption rate with better FCR
  • Prevents & controls growth of pathogenic bacteria
  • Better absorption & synthesis of minerals, trace elements & nutrients
  • Vitamin C- to improve weight gain as an anti-stress agent
  • Phytase converts the phytates (Present in the feed) into available phosphorus
  • Phosphorus supplementation checks the loose shell problem
  • Protease improves the digestion of complex proteinaceous material
  • Significant reduction in medical costs


Shrimps/Prawns 10 g/kg of feed
Fish 5 g/kg of feed
Composition : Product contains following ingredients per kg.
Bacillus coagulans 45000 million cfu
Lactobacillus acidophilus 45000 million cfu
Bacillus licheniformis 30000 million cfu
Lactobacillus lactis 30000 million cfu
Saccharomyces cervisiae 125000 million cfu
Enzyme complex contains
Amylase 24000 IU
Phytase 11000 IU
Protease 200000 IU
Cellulase 150-250 IU
Beta-galactosidase 800-1000 IU
Lipase 50-100 IU
Coated vitamin c 20
Vitamin B1 1
Vitamin B6 1
Excipients q.s
Proprietary Blend of 5 Probiotics & 6 Enzymes With Multivitamin